Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Cousins and converts

Pick it up with your teeth but can't touch the ground 

AWESOME TO HEAR ABOUT ZACH! I lost contact with him since I got out here. If you can find his facebook could you give him my email and tell him I would love to hear from him. He and Park were the best converts ever, I loved helping the missionaries teach them both. Zach is a nursing student and Park is at uni and from Thailand. They are both great guys. Zach actually has the coolest conversion story ever. You should ask him about it if you get the chance. 

Im pretty sure that Patch will go into the MTC like, tomorrow. By the way I amreally sorry that I forgot to tell you that I would be emailing on Tuesday this week because of Zone development this week. But it was a really fun day yesterday where all the missionaries in the zone got together just to hang out for the day, heaps of sports and some ukulele playing and other good stuff. It was fun. 

I have a pretty funny story today. I was trimming my eyebrows that insist on growing to the length of my shoelaces, and I accidentally used the trimmer without the guard over it to stop from shaving your hair right off, it was folded over the back. SO basically now I have half an eyebrow on my left side. A little embarrassing, but I guess that is what you get for not paying attention to what you are doing. Ill send a picture for you, it is pretty dang funny.

Other good news is we got a new investigator this week. We started teaching a man named Ian who is a referral from his good friend Dennis. They have been friends for about 30 years and Dennis has always invited Ian to come along to church and he was starkly atheist, until his wife died last year. Ian says that the support from Dennis affected him so much that he wanted the hope that Dennis has. Its amazing. I am sure he will be baptized, he has had his heart prepared. 

That's about it for this week. Its been a pretty good one for the most part. Only a few set backs, but we wont focus on those. 

Elder Neideck my trainer is our  new ZL

Fun fun fun.

Cooking spaghetti like a mafia boss

Monday, February 2, 2015

Faith proceeds the miracle

a couple of the boys in the ward felt like they would look good with a badge, they aren't too shabby. 

This week was a pretty slow one. We don't have anyone to teach at the moment and Elder Allred has been sick so we didn't get to do as much finding as we needed to. We really need new investigators but we are really struggling to find them. No one is really willing to listen to what we have to say and actually consider it. So that's been a big struggle. The other teams in the Dundee Bingham Ward are on fire, teaching heaps of people, all college kids, their area covers like 3 college campuses. So it would be awesome to find some investigators like that, but unfortunately most of the people in our area are either really old or on the dole. Finding people is hard. Its probably my least favourite aspect of missionary work because it is by far the hardest. 

Thanks for your email Mum. It was really uplifting and really helped to hear from you, I mean it helps every week, but its especially good lately. It seems like things keep getting harder and harder and when they do it makes hearing from home more and more special I think. I am glad everyone is doing so well. Little Jamesy is going to have the priesthood soon, that's exciting, those are the things I really wish I didn't have to miss. 

Sometimes I feel like I came out on my mission and was helplessly beat with a baseball bat until I cannot stand by myself. Its a pretty grim picture, but you know, Jesus came to earth to be scourged and nailed to a cross and to suffer so much that he needed to ask if there was another way. When you think about it like that, a baseball bat isn't too bad, and I don't think Satan has any more nails. 

Elder Tang. 

This is my best buddy Elder Goodwin, who is serving in St George Utah and always running into Aussies. He is standing here with sister McGown who serves in the visitors centre at the St George temple. We were in Chermside ward when I was going up. Small world.